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Improved standard curves method

Improved 12-month forecasts of the monthly sunspot number (Standard curves method):
Time range: 
from -5 months before last elapsed month (provisional values) to +12 months after. 

Data description:
Improved 12-month ahead predictions obtained by applying an adaptative Kalman filter to the primary Standard Curve (SC) prodictions from WDC-SILSO. This technique improves the approximation of the smoothed monthly sunspot number over the last 6 months, i.e. the interval between the last available smoothed value of the sunspot number and the current month of the prediction.

(Ref.: T. Podladchikova, R. Van der Linden, 2012: "A Kalman Filter Technique for Improving Medium-Term Predictions of the Sunspot Number". Solar Physics. DOI: 10.1007/s11207-011-9899-y  For any scientific use please refer to this paper)

Filename: KFprediSC.dat
Format: plain ASCII text

Column 1: Year
Column 2: Month
Column 3: Date in fraction of year (mid-month, ~ day 15)
Column 4: Forecasted monthly mean value
Column 5: Uncertainty on the forcasted monthly value (+/-). (NB: The first 3 values are null, as they simply replicate those from the original predictions.)

Line format [character position]:
 - [1-4]   Year
 - [6-7]   Month
 - [10-17] Decimal date
 - [22-26] Forecasted monthly value
 - [28-32] Uncertainty (+/-)