User Manual of EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01

User Manual of EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01

This document is a supplement to the DOI Landing Page of the EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01 available at DOI: This document contains additional technical details.


“EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01”, released on 2023-02-08 contains the Solar Orbiter/EUI L1, L2 and L3 data for the period 2020-03-03 up till 2024-07-12 (originally 2023-01-10). An image catalogue, in the form of an SQLite database of metadata for all L1 and L2 FITS files, is provided, with each image file corresponding a database row and each FITS keyword corresponding to a database column. The column ‘level’ can be used to distinguish L1 from L2 files. This release originally contained 293342 L1, 274024 L2, and 257117 L3 files. This release will continue to be appended with later incoming data, until the next full release (Release 7) is issued.

Level 1 data

Level 1 (L1) data implies that the metadata in the FITS keywords is complete but that the images remain uncalibrated. Besides decompression, only limited, reversible operations have been applied to the images (mirroring & flipping, and 90-degree rotations) such that solar north is roughly on top and solar east roughly on the left. All the images received on the ground are distributed in the L1 dataset. This includes images with the telescope doors closed, either “darks” or “LEDs” (calibration lamp images). The first of these were received on 2020 March 3.

Level 2 data

Level 2 (L2) data are produced by the euiprep python routine. This routine takes the L1 data and rectifies instrument deviations for which corrections are available. It also updates the WCS FITS keywords to correct for spacecraft pointing instabilities. The output of these calibration steps is distributed as L2 data. The euiprep routine is in continuous evolution. The L2 data are thus a snapshot of the best available corrections at the time of the L2 data production. The git version number of the euiprep S/W used to generate these L2 files is copied in the FITS header HISTORY keyword. For this release, the git SHA (first 8 characters) is (see also FITS header VERS_CAL keyword): ‘a57d9e42’ for files with DATE-BEG before 2023-01-10 15:00:00 and ‘f434d8b2’ for files with a DATE-BEG after this time.

The euiprep routine is only applied to lossless compressed or uncompressed Level-1 solar images, starting with the ‘first light’ images on 2020 May 12. Technical images such as e.g. darks or LEDs are not processed into L2 data. The selection is done with the IMGTYPE keyword which is set to IMGTYPE=“solar image” if * both the heat shield doors and instrument doors are open, AND * no LED is on AND * if the telescope has a filter wheel, that this filter is not in a blocking position.

For HRILYA, extra conditions are added to make sure the Screen and MCP voltages were properly configured for solar imaging. For HRILYA images with exposure time less or equal than 3s (XPOSURE LE 3.0) we require

LYACSCR > 3450 AND ((GAINCOMB="low-only" AND LYACMCP> 580) OR (GAINCOMB="high-only" AND LYACMCP> 450))

For HRILYA images with exposure time larger than 3s (XPOSURE GT 3.0) we require

LYACSCR > 3450 AND ((GAINCOMB="low-only" AND LYACMCP> 480) OR (GAINCOMB="high-only" AND LYACMCP> 350))

The L2 file version number is incremented every time the L2 file is updated and may thus differ from the L1 file version number.

Level 3 data

Level 3 (L3) data corresponds to a further processing of L2 data for visualisation purposes. The L3 image files are intended for visualisation through JHelioviewer. L2 images without the keyword WAVELNTH (e.g., because a wrong filter position was selected) are excluded from processing. The L3 file version number is identical to the L2 file version number.

Data policy, citation & acknowledgements

The “EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01” is public and can be freely downloaded from the EUI website and from the Solar Orbiter Archive. The requested citation and acknowledgements are stipulated in the EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01 landing page. Specifically for citing the EUI instrument paper “Rochus et al, AA, 2020” and the above DOI, the following latex/bibtex bibitems are suggested:

       author = {{Rochus}, P. and {Auch{\`e}re}, F. and {Berghmans}, D. and {Harra}, L. and {Schmutz}, W. and {Sch{\"u}hle}, U. and {Addison}, P. and {Appourchaux}, T. and {Aznar Cuadrado}, R. and {Baker}, D. and {Barbay}, J. and {Bates}, D. and {BenMoussa}, A. and {Bergmann}, M. and {Beurthe}, C. and {Borgo}, B. and {Bonte}, K. and {Bouzit}, M. and {Bradley}, L. and {B{\"u}chel}, V. and {Buchlin}, E. and {B{\"u}chner}, J. and {Cab{\'e}}, F. and {Cadiergues}, L. and {Chaigneau}, M. and {Chares}, B. and {Choque Cortez}, C. and {Coker}, P. and {Condamin}, M. and {Coumar}, S. and {Curdt}, W. and {Cutler}, J. and {Davies}, D. and {Davison}, G. and {Defise}, J. -M. and {Del Zanna}, G. and {Delmotte}, F. and {Delouille}, V. and {Dolla}, L. and {Dumesnil}, C. and {D{\"u}rig}, F. and {Enge}, R. and {Fran{\c{c}}ois}, S. and {Fourmond}, J. -J. and {Gillis}, J. -M. and {Giordanengo}, B. and {Gissot}, S. and {Green}, L.~M. and {Guerreiro}, N. and {Guilbaud}, A. and {Gyo}, M. and {Haberreiter}, M. and {Hafiz}, A. and {Hailey}, M. and {Halain}, J. -P. and {Hansotte}, J. and {Hecquet}, C. and {Heerlein}, K. and {Hellin}, M. -L. and {Hemsley}, S. and {Hermans}, A. and {Hervier}, V. and {Hochedez}, J. -F. and {Houbrechts}, Y. and {Ihsan}, K. and {Jacques}, L. and {J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, A. and {Jones}, J. and {Kahle}, M. and {Kennedy}, T. and {Klaproth}, M. and {Kolleck}, M. and {Koller}, S. and {Kotsialos}, E. and {Kraaikamp}, E. and {Langer}, P. and {Lawrenson}, A. and {Le Clech'}, J. -C. and {Lenaerts}, C. and {Liebecq}, S. and {Linder}, D. and {Long}, D.~M. and {Mampaey}, B. and {Markiewicz-Innes}, D. and {Marquet}, B. and {Marsch}, E. and {Matthews}, S. and {Mazy}, E. and {Mazzoli}, A. and {Meining}, S. and {Meltchakov}, E. and {Mercier}, R. and {Meyer}, S. and {Monecke}, M. and {Monfort}, F. and {Morinaud}, G. and {Moron}, F. and {Mountney}, L. and {M{\"u}ller}, R. and {Nicula}, B. and {Parenti}, S. and {Peter}, H. and {Pfiffner}, D. and {Philippon}, A. and {Phillips}, I. and {Plesseria}, J. -Y. and {Pylyser}, E. and {Rabecki}, F. and {Ravet-Krill}, M. -F. and {Rebellato}, J. and {Renotte}, E. and {Rodriguez}, L. and {Roose}, S. and {Rosin}, J. and {Rossi}, L. and {Roth}, P. and {Rouesnel}, F. and {Roulliay}, M. and {Rousseau}, A. and {Ruane}, K. and {Scanlan}, J. and {Schlatter}, P. and {Seaton}, D.~B. and {Silliman}, K. and {Smit}, S. and {Smith}, P.~J. and {Solanki}, S.~K. and {Spescha}, M. and {Spencer}, A. and {Stegen}, K. and {Stockman}, Y. and {Szwec}, N. and {Tamiatto}, C. and {Tandy}, J. and {Teriaca}, L. and {Theobald}, C. and {Tychon}, I. and {van Driel-Gesztelyi}, L. and {Verbeeck}, C. and {Vial}, J. -C. and {Werner}, S. and {West}, M.~J. and {Westwood}, D. and {Wiegelmann}, T. and {Willis}, G. and {Winter}, B. and {Zerr}, A. and {Zhang}, X. and {Zhukov}, A.~N.},
        title = "{The Solar Orbiter EUI instrument: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager}",
      journal = {\aap},
     keywords = {Sun: UV radiation, Sun: transition region, Sun: corona, space vehicles: instruments, telescopes, instrumentation: high angular resolution},
         year = 2020,
        month = oct,
       volume = {642},
          eid = {A8},
        pages = {A8},
          doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201936663},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author       = {{Kraaikamp}, E. and {Gissot}, S. and  {Stegen}, K.  and {Mampaey}, B. and {Verbeeck}, F.  and  {Auch{\`e}re}, F. and {Berghmans}, D. },
  title        = {SolO/EUI Data Release 6.0 2023-01},
  howpublished = {},
  month        = {January},
  year         = {2023},
  note         = {Published by Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)}

Data usage tips & tricks

General comments

Basic IDL reading script

SSWIDL users should use “mreadfits_tilecomp” with the option “/use_shared_lib”. is an example routine that encapsulates this.

Python Tutorial

As part of a Solar Orbiter Data Analysis Tutorial Day (Belfast, 2022-09-16), an EUI tutorial is available in the form of 4 different Jupyter Notebooks.

Image catalogue

An image catalogue is provided. It takes the form of an SQLite database (metadata.db) containing the metadata of all L1 and L2 FITS files, with each image file corresponding a database row and each FITS keyword corresponding to a database column. An extra column ‘level’ is included to distinguish L1 from L2 files. This image catalogue can be downloaded to a local computer for SQL queries across all images. SQLITE is preinstalled on Apple computers and is available for all platforms. Here is a short usage demo on a Mac:

HRIEUV temporal noise

The temporal noise on repeated HRIEUV pixel values is typically dominated by the sensor read noise and the photon shot noise according to the formula:

s2 = r2 + I * t * a/n


See Gissot et al 2023 (in preparation) for more detail.

List of changes

List of changes as compared to EUI Data Release 5.0

List of changes as compared to EUI Data Release 4.0

List of changes as compared to EUI Data Release 3.0

List of changes as compared to EUI Data Release 2.0

List of changes as compared to EUI Data Release 1

Known remaining issues
