Eighth European Space Weather Week
November 28 - December 02, 2011 - Namur, Belgium

Splinter - Climatology and Long Term Changes of the Ionosphere
N. Bergeot (STCE)
Tuesday, Nov 29, 14:00-16:00

The availability of long-term GNSS and Ionosonde observations of different ionospheric parameters (e.g. total electron content, profiles, slab tickness, NmF2, scintillations, ...) enables studies of the temporal variations of the ionosphere over periods longer than a solar cycle. This splinter meeting offers an excellent opportunity for the ionospheric community to present and compare data and results related to the study of long-term ionospheric variability at local, regional or global scale in order to better understand the long-term pattersn and/or changes of the ionosphere during the recent solar cycles.

Key words: Total Electron Content, Scintillations, GNSS, Ionosonde, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, ionospheric-geomagnetic storms

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