Solar Demon Dimming Detection (sc)

Science! running on SDO/AIA 211 Synoptic data
2 minute cadence, typical delay 7 days
(detection version 1.00)
(view all Solar Demon detection tools)

Detector 14 day operating status:

Last detected dimming:
   1399 hours and 39 minutes ago (2024-11-18 11:57 UTC)

Filters (location)
   -- All locations
Filters (intensity)
   All intensities
   At least -100K
   -- At least -300K
   At least -900K
Filters (time)
   Show all
   -- Last week
   Last 30 days
   Last 365 days
Dimming 17811

Overview of dimmings

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement nr. 263506 [AFFECTS], and grant agreement nr. 263252 [COMESEP]
Solar Demon is still under construction.
( Legal notices - SWSC (Volume 5, A18, 2015) research article:Solar Demon - an approach to detecting flares, dimmings, and EUV waves on SDO/AIA images )