Solar Demon Dimming Detection (sc)

Science! running on SDO/AIA 211 Synoptic data
2 minute cadence, typical delay 7 days
(detection version 1.00)
(view all Solar Demon detection tools)

Overview of dimming 16060
Detector 14 day operating status:

Last detected dimming:
   218 hours and 18 minutes ago (2024-09-01 23:57 UTC)

Overview for dimming #:
   16060           back to overview

Animations and graphs
   derotated original images ( non-derotated )
   dimming intensity ( overlaid on HMI )
   dimming mask

   base difference ( percentage )
   running difference ( percentage )




Details for dimming #: 16060          
timeseq #total
areasizelatlonx,y in R☉dist.
detectionImg ID
2024-03-20 00:49:5910. , 0.007902560
2024-03-20 00:51:5920. , 0.007902561
2024-03-20 00:53:5930. , 0.007902562
2024-03-20 00:55:5940. , 0.847902563
2024-03-20 00:57:5950. , 0.977902564
2024-03-20 00:59:5960. , 0.977902565
2024-03-20 01:01:597-2.1-9.8-10.30.0196-1.12, 0.431.200.907902566
2024-03-20 01:03:598-3.9-14.0-11.40.0328-1.11, 0.431.190.007902567
2024-03-20 01:05:599-6.4-16.9-11.10.0543-1.11, 0.431.192.217902568
2024-03-20 01:07:5910-9.2-19.8-11.70.0716-1.11, 0.431.191.587902569
2024-03-20 01:09:5911-12.9-21.7-12.20.1940-1.11, 0.431.196.427902570
2024-03-20 01:11:5912-15.7-23.4-13.10.11109-1.11, 0.431.190.987902571
2024-03-20 01:13:5913-17.0-23.9-13.60.11161-1.10, 0.431.180.007902572
2024-03-20 01:15:5914-18.6-26.0-13.80.11254-1.10, 0.431.180.007902573
2024-03-20 01:17:5915-20.1-27.0-14.20.11325-1.10, 0.431.180.007902574
2024-03-20 01:19:5916-21.2-27.6-14.80.11358-1.11, 0.431.190.007902575
2024-03-20 01:21:5917-22.0-27.6-15.40.01377-1.10, 0.431.190.007902576
2024-03-20 01:23:5918-23.3-29.4-15.80.11383-1.10, 0.431.180.007902577
2024-03-20 01:25:5919-23.8-29.9-16.10.11384-1.10, 0.431.180.007902578
2024-03-20 01:27:5920-25.0-30.7-16.80.11423-1.10, 0.431.180.007902579
2024-03-20 01:29:5921-25.4-31.1-16.80.11419-1.10, 0.431.180.007902580
2024-03-20 01:31:5922-26.6-31.9-17.40.21446-1.10, 0.431.180.007902581
2024-03-20 01:33:5923-26.7-31.7-17.20.11462-1.10, 0.431.180.007902582

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement nr. 263506 [AFFECTS], and grant agreement nr. 263252 [COMESEP]
Solar Demon is still under construction.
( Legal notices - SWSC (Volume 5, A18, 2015) research article:Solar Demon - an approach to detecting flares, dimmings, and EUV waves on SDO/AIA images )