Solar Demon Flare Detection (sc)

Science! running on SDO/AIA 94 Synoptic data
2 minute cadence, typical delay 7 days
(detection version 1.00)
(view all Solar Demon detection tools)

Detector 14 day operating status:

Last detected flare:
   183 hours and 45 minutes ago (2025-01-10 23:12 UTC)

Animations and brightness graph
   fixed brightness
   adaptive brightness
location of flare 33639
Flare 33639

Details for flare #: 33639          
timeseq #brightnesssizelatlonX,Y in R☉dist.
BloomingImg ID
2024-07-11 01:04:0013.325-, -0.250.2808063060
2024-07-11 01:06:0027.144-, -0.250.2808063061
2024-07-11 01:08:00310.164-, -0.250.2808063062
2024-07-11 01:10:00416.391-, -0.250.2808063063
2024-07-11 01:12:00524.5111-, -0.250.2808063064
2024-07-11 01:14:00630.6123-, -0.250.2808063065
2024-07-11 01:16:00734.7137-, -0.250.2808063066
2024-07-11 01:18:00842.6190-, -0.250.2808063067
2024-07-11 01:20:00947.8238-, -0.250.2808063068
2024-07-11 01:22:001049.2274-, -0.250.2808063069
2024-07-11 01:24:001145.3283-, -0.250.2908063070
2024-07-11 01:26:001236.8248-, -0.250.2908063071
2024-07-11 01:28:001327.1196-, -0.250.2908063072
2024-07-11 01:30:001417.7130-, -0.260.3008063073
2024-07-11 01:32:001511.990-, -0.260.3008063074
2024-07-11 01:34:00167.963-, -0.260.3008063075
2024-07-11 01:36:00173.026-, -0.270.3108063076
2024-07-11 01:38:00181.816-, -0.270.3108063077
2024-07-11 01:44:00193.022-, -0.280.3008063080

Solar Demon estimated flare class:

Goes X-RAY flux timeline:

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under the grant agreement nr. 263506 [AFFECTS], and grant agreement nr. 263252 [COMESEP]
Solar Demon is still under construction.
( Legal notices - SWSC (Volume 5, A18, 2015) research article:Solar Demon - an approach to detecting flares, dimmings, and EUV waves on SDO/AIA images )