:Issued: 2025 Jan 11 0232 UTC :Product: documentation at http://www.sidc.be/products/cactus #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # HALO CME ALERTS from the SIDC (RWC-Belgium), generated by CACTUS # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# A halo or partial-halo CME was detected with the following characteristics: t0 | dt0| pa | da | v | dv | minv| maxv| 2025-01-08T00:24:07.472 | 5.0 | 121 | 152 | 1358 | 620 | 145 | 1838 t0: onset time, earliest indication of liftoff dt0: duration of liftoff (hours) pa: principal angle, counterclockwise from North (degrees) da: angular width of the CME (degrees), v: median velocity (km/s) dv: variation (1 sigma) of velocity over the width of the CME mindv: lowest velocity detected within the CME maxdv: highest velocity detected within the CME #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Solar Influences Data analysis Center - RWC Belgium # # Royal Observatory of Belgium # # # # Website http://www.sidc.be. # # E-mail sidc-support@oma.be # # To unsubscribe http://www.sidc.be/registration/unsub.php # # # # Legal notices: # # - Intellectual Property Rights: # # http://www.astro.oma.be/common/internet/en/data-policy-en.pdf # # - Liability Disclaimer: # # http://www.astro.oma.be/common/internet/en/disclaimer-en.pdf # # - Use and processing of your personal information: # # http://www.astro.oma.be/common/internet/en/privacy-policy-en.pdf # #--------------------------------------------------------------------#