Recently published papers
- SunSCC: segmenting, grouping and classifying sunspots from ground-based observations using deep learning Sayez, Niels; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe; Delouille, Veronique; Bechet, Sabrina; Lefèvre, Laure, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics vol. 128 (2023) 10.1029/2023JA031548
- A Transfer Learning Method to Generate Synthetic Synoptic Magnetograms Li, X.; Valliappan, S.; Shukhobodskaia, D.; Butala, M.; Rodriguez, L.; Magdalenic, J.; Delouille, V. Space Weather vol. 22 (2023) 10.1029/2023SW003499
- An experimental study on EUV-to-magnetogram image translation using conditional Generative Adversarial Network Dannehl, Markus; Delouille, Veronique; Barra, Vincent, Earth and Space Science vol. 11 (2023) 10.1029/2023EA002974
Recent Presentations
- Segmentation, grouping and classification of sunspots from ground-based observations using deep learning methods Sayez, Niels; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe; Delouille, Veronique; Bechet, Sabrina; Lefèvre, Laure Machine Learning and Computer vision in heliophysics Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria (2023).