Dear colleague,
The SIDC encourages the use of our sunspot data as we adopt an open source data policy. We kindly request however, that our online catalogue of sunspot data is explicitly mentioned and referred to in the text. We recommend that you use the following format, mentioning the WDC-SILSO, in the list of references:
SILSO, World Data Center - Sunspot Number and Long-term Solar Observations, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Monthly Report on the International Sunspot Number, on-line Sunspot Number catalogue:, ‘year(s)-of-data’
The Bibtex entry for this reference (Note: yyyy1 and yyyy2 should be changed respectively into the first and last year of the SIDC-data you have used):
author = {{SILSO World Data Center}},
address = {Royal Observatory of Belgium, Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussel, Belgium}
title = "{The International Sunspot Number}",
journal = {International Sunspot Number Monthly Bulletin and online catalogue},
year = yyyy1-yyyy2,
month = ,
volume = ,
pages = {},
adsurl = {,},
adsnote = {}
All publications that use and mention SIDC data are welcome to figure on this page. If you wish to see your publication(s) listed below, send a us message with the journal references and, if possible, an appropriate link.
Publication colour code |
.... | Publication in refereed scientific journal * |
.... | Non-refereed scientific publication: proceeding |
.... | Publication in journal for scientific vulgarisation |
*For refereed publications, access to links is provided for registered sites who
have subscriptions to the printed version of the journal.